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Do I Need a Lawyer for Custody Court?

Do I Need a Lawyer for Custody Court?

If you and the other parent can't amicably agree on a custody arrangement that is in your child's best interests and works for both of you, the court will have to decide on one that is in the child's best interests. Legal representation can often be expensive, and...

What Is an Amicable Divorce Settlement?

What Is an Amicable Divorce Settlement?

What Is an Amicable Divorce in Texas? In Texas, the official term for an amicable divorce is an uncontested divorce, also known as a no-fault divorce. For a divorce to be uncontested, both spouses must agree on the reason for the divorce and all the terms of their...

What Does Joint Custody Mean in Texas?

What Does Joint Custody Mean in Texas?

Forms of Child Custody in Texas In Texas, child custody means something different than it does in other states. Texas law makes a distinction between legal custody and physical custody. Conservatorship: This is considered legal custody and means a person has the right...

What Does Spousal Support Cover?

What Does Spousal Support Cover?

What is Spousal Support or Spousal Maintenance? Spousal support is money one spouse pays the other spouse after a divorce. It is intended to help provide financial stability for both parties and help offset the financial difficulties a lower-wage-earning or...

What Happens in Child Custody Court in Texas?

What Happens in Child Custody Court in Texas?

In Texas, custody case hearings are held in child custody court, where both parents present their case before a judge. Family law judges make custody decisions based on the testimony and evidence provided by each parent and issue any orders relevant to your child...